Protesters in Washington, D.C., harassed and blocked people trying to leave the White House as the Republican National Convention ended late Thursday night, numerous videos show.

A crowd swarmed and shouted at Sen. Rand Paul and his wife as they left the White House after President Donald Trump closed out the RNC. A police officer escorting the Kentucky Republican appeared to get shoved into Paul.


Protesters collided with a police line at 15th and F streets NW, video shows.

Around the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, protesters yelled at police officers and a few physical altercations occurred.

Protesters asked Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., “What do you think about police killing black people in this country?” while he was leaving the White House, video shows.

Mast replied: “Anybody murdered is wrong … nobody should be killed,” video shows.

Mast, a double-amputee, then tried to walk away from the crowd, though protesters followed him chanting “black lives matter,” video shows.

Outside another gate, protesters confronted a man attempting to leave the White House, video shows.

“Go hide, ya f—— p—-” a protester yelled at the gate before the crowd began chanting “George Floyd” and “Breonna Taylor,” video shows.

Earlier in the night, an elderly man was harassed and knocked to the ground as he tried to walk through the protests.

The protests outside the White House came as the RNC wrapped up its final night with Trump accepting the Republican presidential nomination.

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