Voices in Support of Scott Pruitt’s ‘Deweaponization’ of the EPA

Ken McIntyre /

Editor’s note: As the left presses its demands that President Donald Trump sack Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, we recalled that we had a batch of unpublished letters about an on-camera interview that Pruitt did with The Daily Signal’s Rob Bluey. It’s instructive to read how much these correspondents like and admire Pruitt.—Ken McIntyre 

Dear Daily Signal: I’m very proud of Scott Pruitt’s aggressive stand against unwarranted bureaucracy established by the last administration, and hope it continues (“The Weaponization of the EPA Is Over: An Exclusive Interview With Scott Pruitt”).

But I also want some sort of restrictions in place to prevent future politicians from undoing everything that is ongoing to strengthen the private sector.

Pruitt still has to contend with a staff that really believes the sky is falling and that he is abusing his flying privileges. So I hope he removes them rapidly and always watches his back. Entrenched bureaucrats are very aggressive and dangerous.—Brannen Edwards, Savannah, Ga.


Thank you for the interview with Scott Pruitt. I’m very impressed that they have been able to get a handle on things quickly and make the changes that matter most.

I hope President Trump will have more time for his appointees to ferret out these entrenched regulations and make changes like Pruitt has targeted, but I know the Democrats are running scared. They are anxiously organizing so that the American people don’t get used to the freedom they realize when living with conservative values.

After all, keeping your own money, playing on a level field, and government accountability are “radical ideas” that deter “progress.”—Amy Sellers, Placerville, Calif.

>>> Related: EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Says Media Reports Don’t Tell True Story

I’m very impressed with Rob Bluey’s questions and Scott Pruitt’s answers. He is going in the right direction and with a commonsense approach, an approach needed for a long time.

We should not be afraid of the EPA and what they’re going to do next. The EPA should be a friend and counselor to us, to help us value our land and God-given resources in a sensible, not punitive, way. Thank you for the great journalism work you are doing.—Margaret Clay


Thank you for this nonpartisan piece about Scott Pruitt. Compared to his petty foes, Pruitt continues to emerge as a gentleman and a scholar.—Steve Heins


Mahalo, or thanks, for an insightful and uplifting article that clearly explains what change is needed at the EPA and how Pruitt is going about implementation. Yes, I live in Hawaii, perhaps the bluest state on the planet.—Cynthia Frith


I was personally sued by the federal government for about $100 million, along with the company I worked for. My sin was to authorize equipment to work in “dry” streams in August, during the time fish were spawning somewhere.

I was not aware that the waters of the United States included areas without water. The company I worked for settled out of court after tremendous pressure from the federal judge.—Clark Besack


Great interview with Scott Pruitt. These kinds of discussions should somehow be brought more to the forefront so American citizens, including teachers and students, can see how our country was being stolen by people like the Clintons, Obama and his hit squads, and George Soros.

These were planned attacks on our very existence as a free and open society. There are some very good journalists, and I am not speaking about the fake media, who are afraid of saying that some people are socialists or communists and are trying to take God, family, and country from the American people.—Claude Pugh


Good article and interview. I would like to have read more examples, though, of how the EPA was weaponized and against who.—Steve Pape, San Jose, Calif.


What a commonsense, informative article on the EPA. I am impressed with Secretary Pruitt and his command of the actions of the EPA and changes being made. As for honest and thorough reporting, good job.—Daniel Hays


Congratulations for a good interview with Pruitt. He is a good and honest man serving his country. I am a journalist and writer from Venezuela who has authored four books about politics and the economy. I am a follower of The Daily Signal since it was founded.—Julio Camino


Could we actually be allowing for common sense? That would be so wonderful. Scott Pruitt makes it sound so logical. Why did Congress allow these earlier actions to take place? Are they that incompetent?—Barbara Kutches


I am a homeschool mom. My daughter, from Russia originally, is taking a geography class at a good, Christian university. She just wrote the professor about all of this. And we advised other students on the “discussion board” to see The Heritage Foundation on the web for correct advice.

Obama EPA Officials Protest Scott Pruitt’s ‘Secret Science’ Reforms. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.

My daughter wrote about stewardship and God’s blessing. And I finally had to tell the professor that we were taking the opposite position of the assignment. The paper ended with “rock that coal!”

Please pray for the outcome on this. Finally had to take a stand and point out to everybody the text’s extreme bias.—Brenni Veit


It’s great what Scott Pruitt is doing with the EPA. But what do you think is going to happen when we get another socialist Democrat in the White House? Right, he or she will appoint another environmental activist to run the EPA again.

It will be like the Obama era all over again. So what Pruitt is doing is only temporary.—Bret Geren, Fayetteville, Ark.


As for the deweaponization of the EPA, it’s about time! One down, three more to go: FBI, DOJ, and IRS.—Toni H.


Thank you for interviewing Scott Pruitt. I have been wondering what has been going on with the deregulation at the EPA. This ­­­­­article informed us.—Kristine Johnson


You are doing a wonderful job in your articles and reporting on issues such as Scott Pruitt and the EPA. I am so thankful that your team is there to redress the lack of balance today.—Peggy Beal


Great interview on the deweaponization of the EPA. How about the IRS? Have they been deweaponized?—Jim O.


Refreshing to read this.—Dan Hanlon

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Thank you for your good reporting. I am glad to hear of the changes at EPA.—Darlene Estlow


Keep up the good work, Rob Bluey, from one old man (77) who likes your style.—Joe Swiger


Great job with the Pruitt interview. I look forward to seeing similar productive interviews with other key leaders.—Dave Harned


Thank you for an excellent interview. We don’t hear the positive things that are going on in our government. I am encouraged by what Scott Pruitt is accomplishing and the man of integrity he appears to be.—Judy Findley

>>> Podcast: Scott Pruitt’s Tenure at the EPA