Another female detransitioner is suing the doctors who facilitated her attempted gender transition when she was a vulnerable teenager, accusing them of medical malpractice and of using “unfair and deceptive trade practices,” causing her years of both psychological and physical pain.

Prisha Mosley says she suffered severely from mental and emotional health issues as a child and young teen. Her home life was troubled due to an alcoholic mother, she told The Daily Signal, and she struggled to make her own problems heard. She developed anorexia, and as she sought information online, slipped from pro-anorexia groups into pro-transgender groups very easily.

She became convinced that she was a boy.

According to her lawsuit, she sought the help of Shana Gordon, a licensed counselor in North Carolina who worked for Tree of Life Counseling, who did not respond to repeated requests for comment from The Daily Signal. Gordon pushed her to transition, Mosley’s lawsuit says.

She also sought the counsel of Brie Klein-Fowler of North Carolina-based Family Solutions PLLC, who is also named in the lawsuit. Klein-Fowler did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

So, Mosley began testosterone treatment and ultimately underwent a double mastectomy. Her lawsuit names Dr. Eric T. Emerson as the plastic surgeon who removed her breasts. He did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Daily Signal.

The suit similarly names Dr. Martha Fairbanks Perry, a physician with Moses Cone Medical Services Inc. in North Carolina. Perry also did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Now, Mosley has realized that “she is not and never has been a boy,” according to her suit. She continues to experience pain, suffering, and emotional distress “as a result of living in a body that has not developed the way it should have.”

She once loved to sing; now, she cannot. She will never be able to nurse a child.

Her lawsuit notes that her “shoulders are too broad and heavy” and her waist and hips are “too small and narrow.” She now has “unwanted unnatural body hair growth,” as opposed to her former natural hair growth. She has vaginal atrophy, her suit says, and she may never be able to conceive her own child.

“No amount of money can undo the damage Prisha has suffered at the hands of” her doctors and counselors, her lawsuit says.

According to the suit, the medical professionals who facilitated her attempted transition “withheld information, concealed and misrepresented her psychological and physical condition, and failed to perform their services in compliance with applicable standards of care.”

“Instead of telling Prisha the truth and informing her accurately and fully,” the suit says, “Defendants lied to Prisha. They lied when they told Prisha she was actually a boy; they lied when they told her that injecting testosterone into her body would solve her numerous, profound mental and psychological health problems, and they lied when they told her about the nature and effects of ‘breast reduction’ surgery, which in actuality was a surgery to remove her healthy breasts and render her incapable of nursing a child … .”

Mosley’s lawyers also accuse the medical professionals of lying to her by omission, by “withholding critical information from her about the long-term adverse health consequences and permanent damage these ‘treatments’ would cause her, and failing to inform her of alternative courses of treatment for her psychological problems, and ensure she had a clear understanding of those alternatives.”

Mosley shared with The Daily Signal that she was a victim of sexual assault, raped by an adult when she was a young teenager. That assault heavily influenced her ideas about womanhood, femininity, sexuality, and gender.

But that traumatic incident factored very little in the “treatment” that the doctors and counselors offered her, as her suit notes: Instead of providing “competent treatment for her depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and emergent borderline personality disorder, they convinced her that changing her body to appear as the opposite sex would solve her substantial mental disabilities that had plagued her for years.”

And this “substantially and permanently compounded Prisha’s physical suffering and mental anguish.”

Mosley joins detransitioners Chloe Cole, Layla Jane, and others in suing the medical providers who facilitated their gender transitions.

This is a breaking news story and may be updated.

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