It’s been said that the most insidious power the liberal media have is to ignore news stories that don’t fit the left-wing narrative. A corollary to that is when those outlets do report on news stories that reflect badly on the liberal narrative, important negative details are typically minimized or omitted entirely.

Consider the reporting on the controversy surrounding one of the LGBTQ+ groups the Los Angeles Dodgers have—inexplicably and indefensibly—invited to join the team’s annual “Pride Night” on June 16: the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Sisters, as you might guess from the name, is a group of vile, hateful anti-Catholic/anti-Christian bigots whose members dress up as nuns, painting their faces white and with garish makeup, a form of mockery every bit as offensive as a white person in blackface.

And that’s not even the worst of it. Bill Donohue, the longtime president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, has compiled a lengthy list, dating back to 1979, of some of the Sisters’ most outrageous acts of anti-Christian bigotry. They include:

  • A “Condom Savior Mass” in San Francisco’s Union Square in 1987 that featured “the Latex Host” and referred to Jesus as “the Condom Savior.” They also burned the pope in effigy.
  • Marking the group’s 10th anniversary in 1989, events included “Sister Psychedelia’s” rise from the dead and “Pope Dementia’s Altered Boys.”
  • In 1990, the Miami Herald reported the group was noted for “carrying a 20-foot replica of a penis” at its street events.
  • In 1993, protesters carried a sign, “Queer Alert: Fighting for Freedom From Religion.” In 1994, they served “Holy Communion wafers and tequila” at a mock Mass.
  • On Good Friday 2000 in San Francisco, they sponsored a “Good Vibrations Dildo Fashion Show.”
  • And just this year, Donohue wrote, “A Sister won the ‘Free Choice Mary’ pro-abortion award. The man, dressed with a nun’s veil, wearing a bra and panties, was featured holding a baby doll with a sign, ‘I Had A Choice.’”

You’d never know any of this, however, if you relied for your news solely on CBS Bay Area, which omitted any mention of the Sisters’ despicable anti-Catholic—and more generally, anti-Christian—mockery in its May 22 report, “LA Dodgers apologize to Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, reinvites group to Pride Night event after backlash.”

CBS San Francisco described the “Sisters” with euphemistic dishonesty as “the charity nonprofit famous for its satirical representation of Catholicism,” adding:

The Sisters say the group is not anti-Catholic and had accused the Dodgers of capitulating to what it called ‘hateful and misleading information from people outside their community.’

(When news of their invitation was initially announced, the ensuing criticism prompted the Dodgers to withdraw the invite, but the team bowed to LGBTQ+ pressure and reinvited them with an abject apology—not to Catholics and other Christians, but to the fake nuns for disinviting them.)

But the larger issue is this: What made the Dodgers think this was a group deserving of being “honored” at “Pride Night” in the first place? Were the suits in the C-suites at Dodger Stadium unaware of the Sisters’ long history of reprehensible bigotry, or do they condone it?

That’s not clear from the Dodgers’ obsequious statement:

After much thoughtful feedback from our diverse communities, honest conversations within the Los Angeles Dodgers organization and generous discussions with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the Los Angeles Dodgers would like to offer our sincerest apologies to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and their friends and families.

We have asked the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to take their place on the field at our 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16th. We are pleased to share that they have agreed to receive the gratitude of our collective communities for the lifesaving work that they have done tirelessly for decades.

In the weeks ahead, we will continue to work with our LGBTO+ partners to better educate ourselves, find ways to strengthen the ties that bind, and use our platform to support all of our fans who make up the diversity of the Dodgers family.

That’s demonstrably false.

Leaving aside why pro sports teams would think it’s a good idea to stage flamboyant “Pride Night” promotions catering to 2% of the population to begin with, it’s clear the Dodgers don’t support all of their fans.

When an estimated 4.9 million Hispanics/Latinos live in Los Angeles County (nearly half the population), a group that is predominantly Catholic, you don’t support your fans by playing host to a scurrilously sacrilegious group whose claim to fame—make that infamy—is to mock their deeply held faith.

Apparently, for the Dodgers and, more broadly, for the Left in general, Christians are the only group remaining that it’s acceptable to ridicule and discriminate against. (Does anyone really believe a virulently anti-Muslim group would ever be feted at Dodger Stadium?)

Storied baseball executive Walter O’Malley, who owned the Dodgers franchise from 1950 to 1979; Tommy Lasorda, the team’s Hall of Fame manager from 1976 to 1996, and Vin Scully, the team’s legendary broadcast play-by-play announcer for a mind-boggling 67 seasons, must all be rolling over in their graves to see what a woke disgrace the team’s management has become.

Hopefully, some of the Dodgers players will refuse to participate in the “Pride Night” pregame festivities in protest.

As for Dodgers fans, they should send the team’s C-suites a message similar to those of Bud Light drinkers and Target shoppers. Anheuser-Busch and Target have lost an estimated $15.7 billion and $10 billion, respectively, in market capitalization because of boycotts stemming from their slavishly catering to the minuscule but disproportionally powerful LGBTQ lobby.

Unsold Dodgers tickets and empty grandstands would send an unmistakable message to the tone-deaf executives who run Chavez Ravine. A wallop to the corporate wallet is apparently the only thing woke corporations—be it in brewing, retailing, or sports—understands.

Originally published at

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