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Hollywood Seeks to Raise Millions for Intolerant ACLU

Tina Fey, left, and Alec Baldwin, right, will be partaking in a Facebook Live fundraiser for the American Civil Liberties Union. (Photo: Lisa O''Connor /Zuma Press/Newscom)

If you haven’t gotten your fill of Hollywood celebrities hawking left-wing causes, then mark your calendar for March 31, when the likes of Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, and Tom Hanks will gather for a Facebook Live fundraising event for the American Civil Liberties Union.

Yeah, I think I’m busy that night too.

Dubbed “Stand for Rights,” the event organizers say this is not about actors and musicians and comedians coming together “in these tumultuous times” to “speak earnestly about politics.” (That’s probably a good thing since the last time Hollywood celebrities did that at, the 2017 Oscars, their show ended up being the third-least-watched Oscars of the 21st century.)

No, say the organizers, these celebs will be coming together to entertain us, “for a great cause.”

OK. Let’s look at some of the great causes the ACLU is engaged in:

Apparently, only certain religious beliefs, and most definitely not the ones that uphold traditional sexual ethics, are worth defending.

Hollywood is far from diverse when it comes to representing the political views of all Americans—whether in their movies or tortured acceptance speeches during awards programs.

So, it shouldn’t be surprising that they would seek to raise money for an organization that believes some Americans have civil liberties and some don’t.

As Forrest Gump, one of Tom Hanks’ own characters, stated well several movies ago, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

Let’s hope the ratings reflect that.

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