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Mr. President: Don’t Cave to Liberal Fearmongering. Protect Religious Freedom.

President Donald Trump attends the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 2, 2017. (Photo: Polaris/Newscom)

Liberals are up in arms over a possible executive order from President Donald Trump protecting religious freedom.

A draft copy of the executive order was leaked to LGBT groups and liberal media outlets in an attempt to prevent the president from issuing it.

But the president should not cave. He should stand up to the liberal outrage and hostility to ordinary American values that fueled his rise in the first place.

The executive order is good, lawful public policy. And it makes good on several promises then-candidate Trump made to his supporters.

Indeed, just this morning at the National Prayer Breakfast, Trump pledged, “My administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty.” This executive order is the place to start.

Here are some of the things the religious freedom executive order would do:

This executive order is good policy and entirely lawful. The president has the legal authority to instruct agencies of the federal government to respect the religious liberty rights of all Americans where it can.

And to avoid any potential conflicts, the executive order explicitly states that it “shall be carried out … to the extent permitted by law” and that any accommodation must be “reasonable.”

With those two clauses alone, the hyperventilating criticisms of the LGBT left are immediately rendered void.

>>> For more on this, see Ryan T. Anderson’s “Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom

But liberals shouldn’t be concerned in the first place.

Opponents to the executive order misrepresent the order by claiming it would repeal an Obama-era executive order elevating LGBT status to a protected class in federal contracts.

As bad and unnecessary as President Barack Obama’s order was, this new order does not repeal it.

Rather, it protects the religious liberty rights of all Americans in very tailored ways that address problems of today.

It ensures that the government will not discriminate against beliefs that are under assault, and protects religious organizations’ right to maintain their mission and identity in their staffing decisions and programming, while not losing the ability to partner with the government.

The executive order also provides specific protections to undo some of the worst of liberal overreach.

It finally and fully protects Americans from having to violate their consciences under the Obamacare abortifacient and contraception mandate. It protects the ability of all Americans to buy health care that doesn’t cover or subsidize abortion.

And it protects all Americans who believe that marriage is the union of husband and wife from federal government penalties or coercion.

These protections take nothing away from anyone—they simply ensure that the public square remains open to all religious voices, even when those voices diverge from the government’s view on contested questions. They protect diversity and pluralism and tolerance.

None of this should be objectionable—which makes you wonder why liberals are objecting, except to continue the denunciation of “deplorables” that offended Americans of good will last year.

Trump promised while on the campaign trail that he would defend religious freedom. Now is the time to make good on that promise.

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