The Conservative Political Action Conference opened today with a star-studded ensemble of 2016 presidential hopefuls.

The day began with Ben Carson, the celebrated neurosurgeon, delighting a conservative audience, both in-person and on Twitter.



Carson called for Americans to “defund Obama’s golf” and “get rid of dependency”, among other memorable one-liners.

After Carson spoke, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made his case in an interview with conservative pundit Laura Ingraham.

Ingraham pushed Christie on several topics.

Christie took shots at the press, specifically The New York Times.

Following a common refrain throughout the conservative conference, Christie criticized the White House.

Ingraham also asked Christie about potential presidential rival Jeb Bush.

In the end, Christie played well with the CPAC attendees, with his blunt, Jersey style.

After the Christie interview, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina gave a barn-burning speech against both the president, and Democratic 2016 frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Fiorina hit Clinton on what she described as hashtag activism.

She also rebuked the president for his handling of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before Congress.

Is Fiorina the anti-Clinton? The media seems to think so.

Sen. Ted Cruz looked comfortable on familiar turf. Cruz opened with a memorable one-liner, chiding Clinton because her foundation accepted money from foreign governments.

He also went after Clinton for being “too Washington.”

He says his Republican rivals do not standing up for what they believe in.

And finally, Cruz poked fun at former president Bill Clinton.

Members cheered as Cruz left the stage.