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What Mark Levin Thinks About the Bush Dynasty

Photo: Newscom

Mark Levin was less than thrilled to hear that Jeb Bush is running for president.

On his radio show, Levin called “the ambition of a single family” a “serious matter.”

“Attempting to hold that office with three different members [of the same family] is worthy of discussion,” said Levin.

He added that this ambition “should concern people who live in a republic.”

Here are five reasons why he thinks so:

1. There Are Others Who Could Serve

“There’s a score of governors, senators and others who are highly qualified on many levels and in many ways to serve as president,” said Levin. “We need a rotation of individuals.”

2. The “Establishment” of the Republican Party Lacks the “Courage and Confidence” to Seek Out Other Candidates

“Why would the Republican Party turn to the same family over and over again? Were their presidencies so outstanding? They weren’t. They were good or fair,” said Levin. “Is the Republican Party this vapid, this weak?”

3. Only “Financiers and Corporatists” Have a “Vested Interest” in Jeb Bush

“There’s no great calling for Jeb Bush to run for president among the grassroots…. We’re not looking for managers of the welfare state, managers of the decline of America… We’re looking for patriots,” said Levin.

4. There’s No Historical Precedent

“It’s never been contemplated to have three members of the same family serve,” said Levin.

He added that there’s only been one previous father-son duo serve as president, John Adams and John Quincy Adams, who each served only one term.

5. Nepotism

“If his name was Jeb Smith, the former fairly successful governor of Florida, he’d be back in the pack,” said Levin.

Levin concluded the segment by asking listeners, “Do you think this is healthy?”

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