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Washington Versus the American People



Various press reports indicate that Congress is preparing to announce a “deal” that would allow Obamacare to move forward virtually uninterrupted. If that is what happens, such as a “grand bargain” may be a political win inside the Beltway but a loss for the American people.

It’s a loss for the Americans who are losing their health insurance due to Obamacare. It’s a loss for the workers who have lost their jobs due to the law. It’s a loss for those who will pay more next year for their health insurance. And it’s a loss for future generations, who will pay the price for Obamacare’s trillions of dollars in spending.

This debate has never been about satisfying one political party or another; it’s been about common-sense solutions that protect the American people from Obamacare. And the materializing “deal” ensures their pleas to Washington for relief from the health law’s burdens will, for the moment at least, fall on deaf ears.

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