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Animated Squirrels, Prunes, and Doggie Hair Gel: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Ingram Publishing/Newscom

Ingram Publishing/Newscom

The federal government has spent more than $3 billion over the past 35 years to help multinational agriculture businesses with their overseas marketing. Taxpayers pay about $200 million per year to fund these business activities, which companies could do on their own.

Apparently, at least to most House Members, the proper role of federal government is to help fund reality shows and dinner parties featuring California prunes.

A few weeks ago, the House had an opportunity to repeal the Market Access Program, one of the most egregious corporate welfare programs, when it voted on a key amendment during its original farm bill debate. But by an astonishing 322–98 vote, the House rejected this amendment.

Here are just some things that taxpayer dollars have helped pay for through the Market Access Program:

The Market Access Program is the epitome of corporate welfare and fiscal irresponsibility. Even Super Twiggy and the Colesterator would likely agree that the Market Access Program needs to be repealed.

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