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When Is Congress the Most Dangerous?

When it comes to cybersecurity, maybe Americans ought to be happy with a do-nothing Congress.

Remember the rush to pass the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA)? This was to be comprehensive measure to keep the Internet from turning into easy prey for the online likes of Henry Morgan and Blackbeard. The only problem was that the bill was deeply flawed. When sponsors found out what was actually in the proposed legislation, they abandoned en masse. The proposal crashed and burned. Little surprise that some in Congress are not anxious to repeat this folly.

“Senate Cybersecurity Bill Accused of Moving Too Fast by Republican Critics,” reports the Huffington Post. Frankly, after the SOPA fiasco, can you blame them?

While Washington needs to get cyber-serious, trying to solve the all of the Internet’s problems in one massive bill is probably a bad idea. Compared to managing the Internet, health care is a simple, straightforward issue—and look how great Obamacare turned out!

It would be much wiser for Congress to deal with discreet issues of cyber governance than try to impose the mother-of-all-legislation on the cash cow of the modern world. Small, confident steps—such as defining authorities under current law—make more sense than a great leap into the legislative cyber-dark.

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