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Heritage Mourns Loss of Tony Blankley

Heritage Foundation President Edwin J. Feulner today issued the following statement on the death of former Heritage Fellow Tony Blankley:

Tony Blankley was a man of principle and passion. A penetrating analyst and compelling commentator, he was a straight shooter who never missed his mark.

As press secretary and advisor to Newt Gingrich, he helped craft the “Contract With America,” mapping a course of responsible government that captured the imagination—and the support—of the American people.

As the editorial page editor of The Washington Times, he demonstrated a mastery of foreign as well as domestic policy, articulating a grounded conservative vision with wit, wisdom and fierce conviction. As a fixture of TV political commentary, he brought wisdom and gravitas to audiences around the country.

Tony was also a member of the Heritage family. As a Senior Visiting Fellow in National Security Studies at The Heritage Foundation, he dedicated his “big picture” vision to a critical front in the long war on terror: the battle for the hearts and minds abroad. Tony argued for a multi-faceted, long-term “push” in strategic communications to make our military goals—and our national values—clear to our allies and all those involved in the war on terror. Our country had an indefatigable defender of our values in this British-born Great American.

I and the entire Heritage family are deeply saddened by the passing of this staunch conservative and happy warrior.  We will always remember him as an articulate advocate of conservative principles, a fierce defender of freedom and human dignity, an indefatigable protector of animals and, most of all, a dear friend.

Our prayers and sympathy go to his wife and children.

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