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Washington in a Flash: House to Vote on Boehner’s Debt Plan

Lawmakers are still scrambling to agree on a debt deal. The newly rewritten plan by Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is expected to be voted on by the House. The newly rewritten bill has more savings than what the Congressional Budget Office originally projected. Numerous conservatives have voiced concerns about Boehner’s bill.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) doesn’t take no for an answer. The liberal congressman was arrested for a second time Tuesday during a demonstration outside the White House. Gutierrez was with about 1,000 other Latino activists at an immigration reform protest. After refusing to leave the White House security fence, he was taken into custody. Gutierrez says President Obama has not acted forcefully enough to stop deportations. Heritage’s plan for immigration reform is centered on border security, interior enforcement and legal immigration processes.

And finally, Walter Reed Army Medical Center is now closed after a century of treating wounded troops. A host of presidents and U.S. commanders have been at the hospital over the past century. The closure has been planned since 2005 as a cost-cutting measure. A new state-of-the-art facility will open Sept. 15 in Bethesda, MD.

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