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Stupak Admits He Allowed Obama to Fund Abortions With Taxpayer Money

In the final hours before the passage of Obamacare, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and his like-minded Democratic colleagues announced that they would vote for the legislation after President Barack Obama agreed to sign an executive order purporting to prevent the federal government from funding abortions. But one of the problem’s with this approach is that the President isn’t bound to preserve the executive order for any length of time. The President could wake up the day after signing this executive order and rescind it. Stupak himself acknowledged this in an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly:

Kelly: What is to stop this openly pro-choice President from reversing himself on this? We’ve seen him on the other deals that were offered to get Senator’s votes in connection with this bill. What is to stop him from reversing himself on this executive order now that he has got your vote?

Stupak: Well that’s why we have asked for it to be public. We will have a public signing of this …

Kelly: The Senate deals were public too …

Stupak: I know. And you’re right, Megyn, there is nothing that would stop this President from a month from now, a year from now, 10 years from now, [from] repealing this executive order.

The plain truth is that an executive order is simply not the same as enshrining these pro-life protections into the health care bill.

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