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The Senate Bill’s Fiscal Madness: Rep. Ryan’s Damning Indictment


As Heritage analysts have noted time and again, spending from congressional liberals’ health care proposals would be in the trillions, growing the federal deficit. The President has proposed a modification of the Senate bill with provisions that would make it even more expensive.  At last week’s Health Care Summit, hosted by the White House, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) echoed these same concerns over the true cost of the President’s proposal for health care reform. Thus far, neither the President nor the leaders of Congress- not one-  have responded to Ryan’s indictment:

Rep. Ryan’s arguments are reinforced by Heritage research regarding the true cost of the House and Senate health bills and other reliable sourcesAs an article in the Wall Street Journal points out, “No one in the political class has even tried to refute Mr. Ryan’s arguments, though he made them directly to the President and his allies, no doubt because they are irrefutable. If Democrats are willing to ignore overwhelming public opposition to Obamacare and pass it anyway, then what’s a trifling dispute over a couple of trillion dollars?”

The President and congressional Democrats have recently made quite a show of concern over the sustainability of current levels of federal spending.  Ignoring the fiscal reality of their health proposals questions the seriousness of their intentions to control spending and reduce the federal deficit. The prosecution rests.

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