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Another Poll, More Proof America Does Not Want Obamacare

NBC News reports:

As the Senate sprints to pass a health-care bill by Christmas, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that those believing President Obama’s health-reform plan is a good idea has sunk to its lowest level.

Just 32 percent say it’s a good idea, versus 47 percent who say it’s a bad idea.

In addition, for the first time in the survey, a plurality prefers the status quo to reform. By a 44-41 percent margin, respondents say it would be better to keep the current system than to pass Obama’s health plan.

By comparison, in September’s and October’s NBC/Journal polls, the American public preferred changing the system to the status quo, 45 to 39 percent.

The 15 point spread between the 47% against and 32% for, more than doubles the spread NBC News measured back in October when only 41% opposed Obamacare and 38% supported. And don’t forget today’s Washington Post poll showing 51% of adults against Obamacare and only 44% support it.

And why are the American people souring on Obamacare? The Washington Post reports that 66% of Americans believe Obamacare will increase the federal budget deficit, 53% believe it will cause their own health care to cost more, 55% believe it will increase the country’s health care costs overall, and 50% believe it will not improve their quality of care.  These findings echo an earlier CNN poll which found that 61% of Americans opposed Obamacare, with 79% believing it would add to the deficit and 85% believing it would raise their taxes.

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