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Rep. Eric Cantor’s Jobs Plan: Watch Live and Chat on Facebook

The Heritage Foundation kicks off its live webcast series on Facebook today at 2 p.m. with a major address from House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) on a pro-growth jobs plan that doesn’t break the bank.

We’re using our popular Facebook page (93,000+ fans) and a live video feed from to give Facebook users an opportunity to ask questions and watch the event without ever leaving the social networking site. In addition to taking questions from the Heritage audience, Cantor will also field those submitted in the Facebook chatroom. Ask your question now.

You don’t need to be a fan of Heritage to watch the event; the video will be publicly available. Posting a question or comment in the chatroom also publishes it as your status update, spreading the message to others instantaneously through Facebook’s news feed. It’s a model first popularized by CNN during President Obama’s inauguration, and later used by the White House and Jonas Brothers to increase interaction with their supporters.

Cantor will address the growing disconnect between Washington and Main Street, and offer a conservative vision to overcome the challenges facing families, workers, and small business — as well as the greater macroeconomic challenges facing America. His speech will take place one day prior to the White House Jobs Summit.

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