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More Crazy Talk From Obama’s Green Job’s Czar

Yesterday we highlighted reports from the Washington Times‘ Amanda Carpenter confirming that President Barack Obama’s hand picked Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones, signed a statement in 2004 accusing President George Bush of deliberately allowing 9/11 to happen as a pretext for war.

Jones then claimed yesterday that he “did not carefully review the language in the petition before agreeing to add his name.”

But now ABC News is reporting that Jones was also on the “organizing committee” for a 2002 march in San Francisco that asked Congress to investigate the following questions:

“What is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family and the Bush family and the Carlyle Group?

“Why were no fighter planes dispatched to intercept the four hijacked planes on September 11th, in violation of standard procedures?

“Who actually was in control of the ‘hijacked planes’? …

“Did the CIA have foreknowledge of the attack, who tried to profit with put options on American, United, Merrill Lynch stock just before the attack?…

“What are Bush’s and Cheney’s connections to the drug industry?

“Why is the evidence being destroyed when an investigation of the World Trade Center collapse is needed?”

Again, Green Jobs Czar is the perfect job for a 9/11 truther. Just as Popular Mechanics has debunked all of the crazy 9/11 truther claims, research both here in the U.S., and abroad, has repeatedly demonstrated that subsidizing high cost renewable energies destroys more jobs than it creates.

Crazy is as crazy does.

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