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K-Lo to Young Conservatives: Make a Difference at Home

National Review Online editor Kathryn Lopez, better known as K-Lo on The Corner, told a group of nearly 200 young conservatives that the greatest impact they can have on national politics is back home — spreading the message of freedom to their friends and neighbors both online and off.

Lopez addressed an under-40 crowd of conservatives today as part of Heritage’s biannual President’s Club meeting at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington. The gathering brought together more than 1,100 Heritage members, including a record showing among young people. The event served as the kickoff of Heritage’s Build the Future campaign to expand the conservative movement.

As the keynote speaker during lunch, Lopez touched on a number of hot-button issues such as Sen. Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democratic Party and Justice David Souter’s retirement from the Supreme Court. But it was her optimistic comments about the future of conservatism that resonated with the crowd.

Lopez said it’s not enough for young conservatives to show up in Washington and expect to make an impact. It takes smart, passionate and devoted people in communities all across America to explain why conservative ideas are better for America.

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