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The Debate Over the Durban II Document Ends, but the Outrages Continue

Geneva – Earlier today, the Durban Review Conference outcome document was adopted by consensus. This is highly unusual for U.N. conferences. Generally, they are designed to culminate with the adoption of the outcome document on the last day. Implausibly, the Durban II president declared that this was a triumph of engagement and chastised the countries that boycotted the conference.

In reality, it is a testament to the fear of U.N. officials and many member countries that, with President Ahmadinejad’s speech looming over the conference, things would only get worse the longer it went on. Adopting the text early minimizes chances that it will deteriorate and allowed the conference to be declared a success.

The rest of the week will be filled with countries making prepared statements and NGOs voicing their thoughts – all for essentially no real reason since the purpose of the conference has already been achieved.

Interestingly, however, the adoption of the outcome document has not led countries to tone down their comments. Quite the opposite in fact:

Although the clear intent of quickly wrapping up the debate on the Durban II outcome document was to end the embarrassment, it appears that Durban II is an endless font of controversy.

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