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Tankosphere Today: Oct. 24, 2008

The New York Times publishes the most tedious major editorial page in the country, so predictable that actually reading it is an unnecessary exercise. Making an exception today to review its endorsement of Senator Obama (a shocker, yeah), we see this comment on tax policies…

Strangely, Hudson Institute scholar Irwin Stelzer seems to forecast a sunny future for capitalism in a DC Examiner op-ed today. Stelzer writes about the current financial/bail out crisis — the one at which Congress recently threw some $700 billion of money earned by the American people…

Exhibit A appeared in The New York Times Tuesday, with a revealing article on the infamous ACORN. The story reported that “An internal report by a lawyer for the community organizing group Acorn raises questions about whether the web of relationships among its 174 affiliates may have led to violations of federal laws.”…

Libby Quaid of the AP reports today on a new Education Trust study of American high school dropout rates. According to that report, today’s kids complete high school at a lower rate than did their parents, NCLB hasn’t helped, and the solution is more federal money and sage oversight…

Forget all about Keynes. Anybody who believes that “If you save five shillings you put a man out of work for a day” is economically illiterate. Saving is spending – on capital goods not consumer goods. A switch of consumer preference from drinking beer to drinking wine has employment effects identical to those from a switch from drinking beer to building a brewery…

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