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The Left’s Crony Capitalism Hits ‘Saturday Night Live’

It’s not often we get to wholeheartedly endorse a Saturday Night Live skit, but from beginning to end this spoof of a post Wall Street bailout conference has at all:


Not only does SNL make mention the key role Fannie Me and Freddie Mac played in causing the current credit crunch, it also makes clear it was the left who blocked reform of the massive government duopoly. Fake Nancy Pelosi, Kristen Wiig, then introduces a parade of “real Americans” suffering through the housing crisis including two unemployed deadbeats who bought homes with balloon mortgages and WASPy couple who can’t flip the 12 condos they purchased. Hopefully, Paulson and the next administration will refrain from rewarding these people by rewriting their mortgage contracts.

The best was saved for last. Wiig/Pelosi introduced Herbert and Marion Sandler (played by Darrell Hammond and Casey Wilson). Unlike the earlier composites, the Sandlers are all too real. They did build a mortgage company whose major product was subprime mortgages and they sold it to Wachovia for $24.2 billion in 2006. And what do the Sandlers do when they are not peddling subprime garbage? They are busy writing checks to leftist groups like the Center for American Progress, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Yes that ACORN.

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