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A Middle Class Bill of Rights

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) dropped by Heritage this afternoon for our Conservative Bloggers’ Briefing to talk about his Middle Class Bill of Rights, a plan he’s crafted to address concerns he’s hearing from constituents in his district and across America. Cantor said for too long Democrats have claimed to ownership over the middle class. He’s hoping to change that perception with a plan that:

The GOP’s chief deputy whip said the recent 25-day protest on the House floor and John McCain’s selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as vice president have revitalized conservatives. He said using that enthusiasm to achieve legislative goals would be the right’s next test. On drilling specifically, Cantor said liberals have put electoral politics ahead of public policy.

With just three weeks left before Congress adjourns for the year, a handful of Senate Republicans have compromised on an energy bill known as the Gang of 10. Cantor said the legislation is troublesome for its restrictions on energy exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf. Unfortunately, it’s the one bill Democrats appear willing to consider.

Cantor was preceded at the briefing by the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund, who discussed vote fraud and its implications on the 2008 presidential election.

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