Enhancing Public Safety By Giving Criminals a Pass

Cully Stimson /

Just imagine if a President announced that his administration would not be prosecuting anyone for violating the following federal crimes currently on the books: (1) willfully disturbing or killing any bird, fish, or wild animal not in compliance with wildlife regulations; (2) anyone who obstructs or interferes with peaceful picketers during a labor controversy, or; (3) anyone who serves on a vessel employed in the transportation of slaves from a foreign country.

The howls from the New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, NPR and the like would be never ending.  We would hear, non-stop, from legal and policy “experts” that the administration was undermining the rule of law, acting unconstitutionally, and paying off special interest groups.

Responding to the criticism, the administration counters saying, “This new directive will help prioritize our limited enforcement resources to focus on serious felons, gang members and individuals who are a national security threat rather than college students and veterans who have risked their lives for our country.”

That explanation, laughable on its face, would only make matters worse for the administration.  In time, there would be hearings on Capitol Hill.  And most likely, in time, the administration would decide to enforce the law—their duty, under the Constitution.

It might interest you to know that each of the crimes mentioned above carries a penalty of imprisonment between six months to two years in jail.

And it might interest you even further to know that an alien who enters or attempts to enter the United States is guilty of a federal crime, and can be imprisoned for up to six months for his first offense, and up to two years for subsequent offenses.

And you won’t be surprised to learn that the statement above by the administration is in reality the actual statement of current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), in support of the administration’s recent announcement that it will not be deporting various categories of illegal aliens who, by definition, are criminals.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano defends this brazen act of executive fiat, saying that this new policy will “enhance public safety.”

Right.  Just like not prosecuting slave traders, union picket line rabble rousers, and illegal animal killers enhances public safety.