30 Years After Reagan Was Inaugurated

Todd Thurman /

January 20, 2011, marks the 30th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration as the president of the United States. Ronald Reagan, throughout his presidency, used humor as a way to captivate audiences whenever he spoke, which  earned him the nickname ‘The Great Communicator.’ However, President Reagan was always serious when he talked about the size and scope of the federal government, as well as his mission to put communism on the “ash heap of history.”

Reagan set the tone of his presidency during his inaugural address. One mission of his presidency was to rein-in out-of-control government spending that caused high unemployment and double-digit inflation. In this day and age when more and more people within the government believe that more government is the answer, we remember what Reagan said during his famous address:

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.
