Meet Heritage’s Facebook Featured Fan, Noelle Clemente

Mike Brownfield /

Each week, The Heritage Foundation highlights one of its more than 275,000 Facebook Fans on its “Featured Fan” page. This week’s fan is Noelle Clemente, a former intern in The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Read her story, below, and be sure to become a fan on Facebook!

“I guess I’m just worried about my future,” Dustin Hoffman’s character famously repeated in the classic 1967 film “The Graduate.” More than four decades later, Noelle Clemente had similar concerns after graduating from Elon University in May 2010. Amid a terrible economy and out-of-control deficits, how would she find a job?

Fortunately, The Heritage Foundation’s internship program offered Noelle, 22, a place to turn during her intense post-graduation job search. As a Broadcast Services intern who later transitioned to a research assistant role in the Center for Media and Public Policy, Noelle was able to apply her journalism degree to learning more about the intricacies of Capitol Hill at The Heritage Foundation’s Washington headquarters. (more…)