Economic Downturn Triggers Growth of Xenophobia in Russia

Yevgeny Volk /

Unemployment and social and economic instability sparked by the ongoing crisis have caused a socio-political fallout in Russia. The share of guest workers is traditionally high in Moscow’s employment patterns, and nowadays many of them have been laid off. The rates of street crime with their participation have spiked, according to the Moscow police data. In retaliation, there is a growing tide of violence on the part of Muscovites against non-residents, largely the natives of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Muscovites committed over 90 crimes against non-Slavic citizens in 2008. This figure constitutes a 300-percent jump in such crimes compared to 2007.

Thus far, the Moscow authorities have had a pretty vague idea about how to combat increased inter-ethnic tensions and crime in a huge metropolis. (more…)