Exclusive: Virginia’s Cuccinelli Confident in Legal Challenge to Obamacare

Tina Korbe /

A U.S. district court judge will decide within 30 days whether to dismiss Virginia’s lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare. From the perspective of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the stakes could not be higher. The fate of federalism, he believes, hangs in the balance.

“This case really goes to the foundations of this country,” Cuccinelli said last night in an exclusive interview. “It is truly a case about the outer limits of federal power under the Constitution. It’s really not a case about health care. It’s a case about liberty. … It is a sad state of affairs when all that stands between us and the end of federalism is one lawsuit.”

But that lawsuit is not over yet — and Cuccinelli said he is optimistic it won’t be over anytime soon.
