Feds Continue to Block Oil Spill Cleanup

Nicolas Loris /

If there were ever a time to pull out the Ronald Reagan quote “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help,” it would be here and now with this oil spill. Either no one’s in charge or everyone is. Either way, it’s not working and is creating needless delays that waste valuable time to suck up the oil and protect our coastlines.

The latest example of federal government obstruction is the United States Fish and Wildlife Service preventing the state of Louisiana from dredging to build protecting sand berms. Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser immediately sent a letter to President Obama requesting that the work continue. He said, “Once again, our government resource agencies, which are intended to protect us, are now leaving us vulnerable to the destruction of our coastline and marshes by the impending oil. Furthermore, with the threat of hurricanes or tropical storms, we are being put at an increased risk for devastation to our area from the intrusion of oil.”
