Wednesday at Heritage: Panel on ‘The Myth of a Conservative Court’

Hans von Spakovsky /

Following President Obama’s unseemly attack on members of the Supreme Court because of their ruling in Citizens United v. FEC during this year’s State of the Union address, a whole chorus of liberals, including Obama’s press secretary, congressional Democrats, the editorial writers of the New York Times, and a number of radical organizations like People for the American Way (enough liberals to fill the Mormon Tabernacle Choir — except that would be a violation of the separation of church and statists) have been attacking Chief Justice Roberts and his band of merry conservative brethren as “judicial activists.” Sen. Arlen Specter (Retired by the voters, Pa.) even launched a broadside against Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito last week on the floor of the Senate that unfairly and illegitimately portrays them as having “cavalierly set aside” the assurances they gave in their confirmation hearings of “fidelity to the law” and the principle of stare decisis in the Citizens United decision. (more…)