Santelli Responds to Team Obama Character Assassination Attempt

Conn Carroll /

President Barack Obama's Senior adviser to the president David Axelrod, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

The left has developed a firm and frightening pattern of how it deals with critics of President Barack Obama. Mere hours after Joe the Plumber had the temerity to question candidate Obama’s tax plans, government employee donors to Obama were socuring his public records digging for dirt. The media then followed up with hit pieces on Joe’s tax, professional, marital difficulties.

CNBC analyst Rick Santelli has come in for the same treatment after he expressed criticism of President Obama’s mortgage bailout plan. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs attacked Santelli personally from the White House podium invoking his name six times in a single press conference. Now Obama’s leftist allies at Playboy have followed up the Santelli smear campaign with an article claiming Santelli staged his criticism and is in fact in the pocket of the co-founder of the John Birch Society. Totally devoid of facts, Playboy has since removed their article without any explanation.

Santelli has since responded to the leftist smear campaign against him at CNBC: (more…)