Google’s Redirect to Hong Kong: Not as Free and Easy as It Seems

Nicholas Hamisevicz /

After trying to work with Chinese authorities and live up to its announcement in January that it would not longer censor its searches in China, Google redirected its website to  Google argues that this move would help its mainland China users get uncensored searches via Hong Kong servers.  Nevertheless, using Hong Kong does not solve Google’s China problem, and the connection with Hong Kong will not be free and easy.

The Washington Post has already reported that sensitive searches on the Hong Kong site have been blocked.  China is not worried about the small number of people in Hong Kong looking to the mainland for information, but it is concerned about those on the mainland looking out.  Hong Kong authorities do not have to do anything.  The Great Firewall in China just has to prevent users from accessing information in Hong Kong, which the Post has said is already happening.

It is important to remember that Hong Kong’s political set-up is also in China’s favor.  The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is chosen by 800 electors, all of whom are selected because they will vote as Beijing instructs(more…)