Nigeria Fills an Executive Void

Morgan Lorraine Roach /

Nigeria regained a president on February 9, 2010, when the parliament voted a provisional transfer of executive power to Vice President Goodluck Jonathan.  Nigeria’s elected president Umaru Yar’Adua, suffers from chronic illness and left Nigeria for medical treatment in Saudi Arabia in late November 2009.

Jonathan, a former university professor and governor of southern Bayelsa state, is now the acting president and commander in chief of the armed forces until Yar’adua is fit enough to return and resume his duties.

The action is not without critics.  Opponents claim the move is illegal because the Constitution requires that the president inform the Senate and House of Representatives of a medical leave before they can appoint an acting leader.  Yar’Adua failed to do this so Jonathan’s appointment is viewed by strict constructionists as a constitutional breach. (more…)