A New Chapter Dawns for Honduras

Israel Ortega /

A seemingly uneventful transition of power will take place today in the small Central American country of Honduras as Interim president, Roberto Micheletti, hands over the keys to the presidential palace to president-elect Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo. The occasion will be marked with the usual pomp, celebration and traditions that mark any presidential inauguration. But for the people of Honduras, tomorrow’s inauguration will be nothing short of historic. Hondurans will welcome the closing of a turbulent chapter in their storied history.

For months (if not years), democracy and the rule of law in Honduras have been in constant assault. Arrogance and defiance characterized former Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya, as he worked furiously to trample on the state’s constitution to advance his selfish desires to extend his stay in the presidential palace in the likeness of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega. (more…)