Obama Administration’s Claim That Iran Deal Will Prevent War Isn’t True

Ed Feulner /

Do you think opposition to the Obama administration’s deal with Iran is strictly a partisan issue? Hardly. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York recently joined half a dozen Democrats in the House of Representatives who have voiced doubts about the agreement.

Who can blame them? It flunks the most basic litmus test imaginable. After all, what’s the point of the deal? It is—or should be—to prevent Iran from building its own nuclear weapon. And by that metric, the deal doesn’t begin to measure up.

Indeed, it may even make the situation worse:

Some lawmakers, laboring under the mistaken impression that no alternative exists, may be tempted to give the administration a pass anyway, despite these problems. That would be a serious mistake.

They can start by blocking the current agreement. They shouldn’t fall for the administration’s rhetoric to the effect that this agreement is all that stands between us and war. As we’ve just seen, the deal actually makes war more likely.

After that, we can impose unilateral economic sanctions. “By refusing to lift its economic sanctions,” according to foreign policy experts James Phillips, Luke Coffey, and Michaela Dodge, “the U.S. could prevent Tehran from financing its military buildup, terrorist network, or nuclear program with hundreds of billions of dollars of sanctions relief.”

Two follow-up steps are also important. For one, we need to restore credibility in the Middle East. We can’t hope to defuse such a tense situation without rebuilding key relationships in the region, starting with Israel. The next administration can best keep weapons from proliferating by expanding security cooperation, enhancing missile defenses, and working closely with our Middle East partners.

Secondly, we need to keep all options on the table. In the end, what will keep Iran from building a nuclear weapon is the enduring threat of U.S military force. Congress should express support for preventive military action if Iran continues its quest for nuclear weapons.

President Obama has said that critics of the Iran deal are either “ideological” or “illogical.” As we’ve seen, they’re neither. They just want an agreement that will keep us safe. The Iran deal is no deal. It’s time to try again.

Originally published in The Washington Times.