Why Carly Fiorina Has Yet to Tackle Entitlement Reform

David Brody /

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina says she won’t tackle entitlement reform until the federal government can get its act together.

“The government has to get its house in order before it goes to the American people and takes something away from them,” Fiorina told The Daily Signal in an interview at the annual RedState Gathering event in Atlanta.

“I’m not willing to go to the American people and say, ‘You know what, we’re going to raise the retirement age’ until I can go to the American people and say, ‘I can promise you that we are spending your money wisely and well, I can promise you that the government is not inept, I can promise you that we’re taking care of the veterans who have served us.’”

Some presidential candidates have come up with concrete plans to reform entitlement programs like Social Security. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wants to raise the retirement age; Sen. Lindsey Graham thinks that’s a good idea, too.

On the other side of the spectrum, retired surgeon Ben Carson believes that tax reform is needed before entitlement reform is tackled. Mike Huckabee doesn’t want entitlements touched at all.

As for Fiorina, she hasn’t come out with a plan yet. “There are loads of good ideas about entitlement reform,” she says. “We talk about them every election and it never happens.”