John Kasich: US Will Have ‘Buyer’s Remorse’ Over Iran Deal

Kate Scanlon /

NASHUA, N.H.—During the first town hall of his presidential campaign, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said President Obama’s deal with Iran is “guaranteeing they’re going to get a nuclear weapon.”

Kasich, the sixteenth Republican to enter the race for president, announced his campaign this morning at Ohio State University.

.@JohnKasich at NH town hall: “Government needs to innovate” #fitn

— Kate Scanlon (@scanlon_kate) July 21, 2015

Kasich said the deal is not going to prevent Tehran from acquiring a weapon, and that the economic sanctions against the Iranian regime should have stayed in place.

“I would keep the sanctions on until they change their ways,” Kasich said.

He said the deal would bring about “buyer’s remorse.”

“Sometimes, you have to say ‘no’ to a bad deal,” Kasich said.

Kasich said his time as chairman of the House Budget Committee taught him how to trim budgets.

“I was one of the people that found the hammers and screwdrivers that cost thousands of dollars,” Kasich said.

He said he balanced the budget while cutting taxes in Ohio.

“Balancing the budget will restore economic strength to this country,” Kasich said.

“This is not a theory,” Kasich added. “I’ve done it.”

The “Ohio model,” he said, can be duplicated in Washington, D.C.

“Government needs to be thought about just like the private sector,” Kasich said. “Innovate, lower costs, be more effective, deliver better for people.”

On immigration, Kasich said that the border must be sealed, and the guest worker program should be expanded.

The border, he said, is like the door to your home.

“You can no more have people walking into this country than they would walk into your home,” Kasich said. “I assume you lock your doors, or at least somebody knocks?”

He added that “we shouldn’t be demonizing law-abiding, hardworking folks.”

.@JohnKasich: “More teens believe they’re going to see a UFO than a social security check.”

— Kate Scanlon (@scanlon_kate) July 21, 2015

Kasich previously sought the Republican nomination for president in 2000 while he was serving in Congress.

Gov Kasich talking at a N.H. Town hall about leading the effort to balance the federal budget #Kasich4Us

— John Kasich (@JohnKasich) July 21, 2015