Poor Information Quality at EPA

Conn Carroll /

President-elect Barack Obama will probably just use the Environmental Protection Agency’s rulemaking power “as a political bludgeon” to force Congress to pass a massive energy tax, but it is still helpful to push back against the EPA’s carbon capping plans. Yesterday The Heartland Institute posted their official comment on the EPA plan, including this summary:

Much of the scientific evidence put forth by the staff of EPA in the proposed ANPR and its supporting Endangerment Technical Support Document has taken the melodramatic form of climate alarmism without the balance of scientific and economic rationale that should have equal weight in determining any environmental policy undertaken by the Environmental Protection Agency or the U.S. government with such a dramatic impact on U.S. economic and energy security. There appears to be a significant omission of climate science data published after 2006 as well as a coherent review of the opposing views in the scientific literature. This is in violation of the Information Quality Act requirements.