How Much Coverage by the Major TV Networks Did the March for Life Get?

Kate Scanlon /

There was little coverage of last week’s March for Life by the major news networks, according to Media Research Center.

NBC and ABC didn’t cover the March for Life at all, and CBS gave it 15 seconds—and only in the context of the failure to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act after a protest by some House Republicans.

In a statement, pro-life and other organizations joined Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, to criticize the networks for choosing to cover topics such as “deflategate” rather than the march, which takes place annually on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

“If these were a few dozen hipsters protesting corporate profits while taking selfies with iPhones, the networks would have wall-to-wall coverage. The media cannot be bothered to cover 200,000 pro-lifers who came to Washington in the middle of winter to march for the unborn,” said Bozell.

He commented that the lack of coverage at the March for Life calls into question the credibility of the networks.

“It’s shameful. … If you’re standing up for the most vulnerable in our society, the media turn a deaf ear,” said Bozell.

Mike Needham, CEO of Heritage Action for America, a sister organization to The Heritage Foundation, and one of the signers of the statement, said:

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans come to Washington in the dead of winter to rally on behalf of the unborn. And every year, the media ignores or downplays the significance of the pro-life movement. The egregious bias proves that cronyism extends beyond simply handing out checks, it extends into our culture. Fortunately, most Americans see through the spin and continue to fight for the most vulnerable among us.

Other signers of the statement included Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, and Mario Lopez, president of the Hispanic Leadership Fund.