12 of the Best TV Moments in 2014

Kate Scanlon /

Here are some of our favorite TV moments from 2014:

Jimmy Fallon noticed something fishy about the Obamacare enrollment numbers.

Megyn Kelly interviewed Patricia Ireland, former president of the National Organization for Women, and asked why nuns were included on her “Dirty 100” list:

Phil Robertson discussed Obamacare on ‘Hannity’ in typical Duck Commander fashion:

Another member of the Robertson clan, Sadie, used her appearance this season on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ to share her faith:

Miley Cyrus once again shocked her fans at the VMAs — but this time for a good cause.

Meriam Ibrahim Ishag was held captive in Sudan and sentenced to death after refusing to renounce her Christian faith. She shared how her faith got her through the ordeal in this powerful interview:

John Oliver hilariously explained how police can legally seize your property:

After Houston Mayor Annise Parker demanded that pastors hand over their sermons, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee declared on his Fox News show that Americans should send her Bibles. Parker received thousands of Bibles from all over the country.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker got a compliment from one of his most vocal critics:

Iowa’s senator-elect, Joni Ernst, was insulted by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin but decided to “shake it off”:

‘Saturday Night Live’ parodied President Obama’s executive action on immigration using the classic ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ song ‘I’m Just a Bill‘:

Political pundits Brad and Dallas Woodhouse occasionally debate on TV and frequently debate at the dinner table – and their mother decided that she’d had enough.