New Report Reveals More Details about Businesses Being Targeted by Operation Choke Point

Alden Abbott /

A Dec. 2 Report by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform reveals more on how law-abiding businesses have been unfairly and illegitimately targeted by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – the primary federal bank regulator – as part of Operation Choke Point.

This report builds on a March report by the same committee that explained how Operation Choke Point – an intergovernmental effort to discourage financial intermediaries from facilitating fraudulent business activity – has been misapplied to harm legitimate industries the Obama administration dislikes.

The Heritage Foundation recently explained how four law-abiding small business owners unfairly suffered because of Operation Choke Point abuses, and recommended specific government reforms to ensure that Operation Choke Point does not discourage legitimate business activity.

This is profoundly un-American – law-abiding individuals are being denied the fundamental right to earn a living solely because their businesses have been deemed “politically incorrect” by certain federal government officials.

The Dec. 2 Report reached these key conclusions:

Bowing to congressional demands, the FDIC and the Justice Department recently agreed to investigate abusive conduct under Operation Choke Point. This is not enough, though. The new Congress needs to hold to account all of the federal agencies that have participated in Operation Choke Point and demand they take specific steps to stop discriminating against legitimate businesses – and ensure that banks get the message as well.