#WhatWomenNeed Hashtag Pushes Abortion for Valentine’s Day

Ericka Andersen /


An abortion for Valentine’s Day? That’s what Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards proposes in a new Vine video posted to Twitter, featuring the trending Valentine’s Day hashtag, #WhatWomenNeed.

#WhatWomenNeed for Valentine’s Day: http://t.co/6oQu28YZMa

— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) February 10, 2014

The hashtag was started by House Democrats last week, with Leader Nancy Pelosi kicking things off with her own Vine video posted to Twitter.

For Valentine’s Day, few things in the world are better than chocolate. This is one of them: https://t.co/pJPMMNKLrE #WhatWomenNeed

— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) February 6, 2014

The hashtag has taken root today and both conservatives and liberals are taking to Twitter with their opinions.

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In a tweet sent today, Pelosi held the blank sign, decorated with a heart and #What WomenNeed for Valentine’s Day”, filling in “quality affordable childcare” on the sign’s blank space.

Join House Ds and share your thoughts on #WhatWomenNeed from Congress this Valentine’s Day: http://t.co/Tg3jtqMwQj pic.twitter.com/L5uaNqIoTw

— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) February 10, 2014

Other Democrat politicians have jumped in with their own signs, advocating for “equal pay for women” and a higher minimum wage.

Heritage Foundation policy analyst Sarah Torre commented on Planned Parenthood’s use of the hash tag to promote abortion, saying that “women want and deserve more.”

“Planned Parenthood has been accused of neglecting the health and safety of patients and resisting efforts to improve safety standards,” said Torre.

This story was produced by The Foundry’s news team. Nothing here should be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of The Heritage Foundation.