Cap and Trade Will Kill the Travel Industry

Nicolas Loris /

Proponents of climate change legislation argue that a cap and trade will stop the polar ice caps from melting. This is critical to island nations relying on tourism as the primary source of economic activity. After all, who’s going to visit an island if it’s completely submerged by water? According to some reports, the Maldive Islands “in the Indian Ocean is about three feet above sea level, and scientists fear it could be submerged by 2050.”

This may or may not be an issue depending on what you read, but one thing’s for sure: the solution is not cap and trade. Climatologists project the Waxman-Markey cap and trade would only change global temperatures by five hundredths of a degree Celsius by 2050. Changing the weather to prevent rising sea levels and natural disasters is currently impossible, but adapting to them is not. Countries have shown this by better preparing for hurricanes—building better levees, rebuilding sand dunes and upgrading building codes to withstand damage. (more…)