Cloakroom: September 9 – September 13

Katherine Rosario /

House Cloakroom:

Analysis: This week, the House may move its attention to a food stamp bill that would reduce spending by $40 billion by eliminating USDA waivers for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS). The reduction is far below the $135 billion (over 10 years) cut called for by the House-passed Ryan budget. The House may also consider legislation that would prohibit the federal government from subsidizing health insurance coverage under Obamacare’s insurance exchanges until a verification process is established for the eligibility of those receiving subsidies.

Major Floor Action:

Major Committee Action:

Senate Cloakroom:

Analysis: This week, the Senate will vote on the authorization of use of military force (AUMF) in Syria, which was passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee by a vote of 10 to 7.

Major Floor Action: 

Major Committee Action: