Live Blog: Newt at Heritage

James Carafano /

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich is speaking live at Heritage Foundation right now. Newt’s address caps Heritage Foundation’s Protect America Month that started with a speech by Mitt Romney on June 1. Newt’s speech comes while the Senate is debating President Barack Obama’s defense authorization bill that looks to cut missile defense and scale back on important modernization programs like the F-22 fighter aircraft and the Army’s Future Combat Systems.

UPDATE 10:10 AM: Newt jumps out of the box in saying what the conservative approach is all about—keeping the nation safe, free, and prosperous. That does not sit well with a White House that is undercutting defense and exploding the deficit—something not sitting well with the American people, as recent poll points out conservatives and independents out number liberals 2 to 1. (more…)