LIVE CHAT: The Obamacare Decision with Heritage & Docs4PatientCare

Ericka Andersen /

The Supreme Court made their decision this morning but the fight over Obamacare does not end today.  The Heritage Foundation will continue to fight for foundational, conservative principles for America’s future.

Today at 2pmET, join Heritage’s Rory Cooper and Dr. Richard Armstrong of Docs4PatientCarevia via video interview with radio host Steve Malzberg below:

Our Latest Resources:

Obamacare’s Failings Go Well Beyond the Individual Mandate and Medicaid,” by James C. Capretta
Health Reform and the Impact of Extending Dependent Coverage to Age 26,” by Drew Gonshorowski
Why Congress Should Not Preserve Flawed Obamacare Policies,” by Nina Owcharenko
Saving the American Dream: The U.S. Needs Commonsense Health Insurance Reforms,” by Edmund Haislmaier